'1Malaysia Transforming the Nation' is the theme for the 53rd national independence celebration this year which will begin from Aug 1 to Sept 16 nationwide. This year in Labuan, the celebration take place at Labuan Square which supported by Non-Government Organization, Schools & University, Government Agencies and many more. In conjunction with the 53th national independent day celebration, Labuan corporation also launch “Fly the Jalur Gemilang Campaign” throughout the island since 9 August 2010. The campaign received overwhelming response which total 95 registration received from 6 categories which are government agencies, private company, primary and secondary school, kindergarten and villages. The winner of each category is presented with a mold check by Parliament member of Labuan Datuk Haji Yussof Bin Haji Mahal and also the CEO of Labuan Corporation Datuk Basiran Bin Saban. Below are some highlight for the events.

The 1 Malaysia batik Team~

One of the winner of Fly the Jalur Gemilang Campaign is presented a mold check by Datuk Haji Yussof Bin Haji Mahal (1st from Left) which is also Parliment Member of labuan and Datuk basiran Bin Haji Saban the CEO of Labuan Corporation (2nd from right)

Performers From Art & Cultural Department of Labuan Corporation.

The 1 Malaysia batik Team~

One of the winner of Fly the Jalur Gemilang Campaign is presented a mold check by Datuk Haji Yussof Bin Haji Mahal (1st from Left) which is also Parliment Member of labuan and Datuk basiran Bin Haji Saban the CEO of Labuan Corporation (2nd from right)

Performers From Art & Cultural Department of Labuan Corporation.
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